Three magic words that make me think “YAY! Now I can go a whole day without changing into real pants.” And I’m not alone. According to the New York Times, 43% of employed Americans in 2016 spent some time working out of their house. In fact, it’s become the norm. Flexible scheduling and work-remotely opportunities play a huge role in whether or not we decide to keep a job, and the numbers don’t lie. Nearly 30 million Americans find solace in a home office at least once a week. And I am definitely one of them.
I’m a publicist by trade- a publicist who lives in one city and works in another- and subsequently spend most days cranking through tasks in my home office. And you bet your bottom dollar it has its perks. There’s no commute (unless you count my walk from my bedroom to my office), I don’t have to spend money on lunch, I’m not required to spend an hour every morning doing my hair AND I can put in loads of laundry in between conference calls. Not to mention if I need a mental break- which studies show we all should be taking more of during our work day- I’m already in a space that makes me happy and allows me to just “be.” So much so that it can be very hard to actually stay focused and be productive. Can anyone else relate?
I’ve officially been filed under the “work from home” category for almost two years, and it’s taken me nearly that entire time to get working from home to work for me. Here’s what I know.
This is the part where you probably think I’m going to say “Be the leader in your own life! Take initiative! Wake up, kick ass, repeat!” All of which is great. But not at all what I’m saying. I’m telling you to actually wake up in the morning and put on a pair of pants. Yep. That’s it. You’d be surprised how easy it is to stay in your pajamas all day when you know you’re not going to see anyone. And as guilty as I am of still occasionally looking like a hobo when my husband comes home, it’s not the right way to structure your day. The process of getting ready in the morning helps to mentally prepare for the day ahead. It flips a switch in our brain that says “time to work.” And the more prepared you feel, the more productive you are.
See also: be Santa. There’s a certain level of self-accountability that goes hand-in-hand with working from home. Without anyone looking directly over your shoulder it can be easy to forget tasks or let things fall by the wayside. I am a full supporter of to do lists, 1) because of the giant Type A stamp on my forehead and 2) because they work. Seeing a big picture list of what you want to accomplish that day, or that week, will keep your productivity high and help you remember what needs to be done. Want to proactively check in at work to give status updates instead of waiting to be asked? This is how you do that. Plus, it feels so dang good to be able to physically scratch something off your list. Not a fan of pen and paper? Check out Todoist– an online check list that works on your computer, your phone, and pretty much everywhere else. No excuses, guys.
Need to run to the market? Want to work on something for a set amount of time without disruption? No big deal. Put it in your calendar or let your colleagues know when you’ll be unavailable. Not being physically present in the office can make it difficult for your team to know what you’re working on when. If you find yourself being easily distracted or disrupted, simply make a plan and stick to it.
And that move should be out of your bed. Life lesson- being a couch potato does not a productive employee make. Find a space in your home or apartment that is designated for work. I don’t care if it’s a desk, the kitchen table, or your bathtub (which is weird, but you do you!), find that space and go there every time you work at home. It’s important to condition yourself to recognize a space that is meant for productivity and not for channel surfing and naps. After a certain amount of time, you’ll know that being in that space with your computer means it’s time to #dowork. And when you do go back to your nap spot, you’ll be all that more relaxed.
Nope, not talking about happy hour. I’m talking about what you need to do so you can get to happy hour. And that’s stop working. With no wrap-up and no commute ahead, it’s all so easy to just keep working late into the evening. It’s of utmost importance to establish a separation of when it’s time to walk away for the day. Nothing creates burnout more than a cycle of work, work, work, without leaving the house. Just like office-dwellers pack it in, you need to do the same. The last thing you want is to begin resenting time spent in your own space.
So rise, shine, grab your pants, and go get ’em girl.
Work it out. Wear you are now.
Images courtesy of
Chelsea Coffey
Such great tips! Thanks for this gf! 🙂
27 . 09 . 2017Natalie
Seriously it’s all about putting on pants! Ha! Thanks for reading, gal! xx
27 . 09 . 2017