It would be the understatement of the century to say that I haven’t gone through my fair share of awkward fashion phases. From my Adidas tear-away pant phase in junior high, to the club tops and polyester explosion that was early high school, to a senior year packed with Abercrombie everything, to my early college years spent in studded belts with the buckle turned to the side (the jury is still out on why I thought that was cool, by the way!) And while most of this is pretty cringe-worthy and I thank my lucky stars that there is not a social media footprint of these occurrences, through all of these phases I am proud to report that stripes remained a constant in my wardrobe. CONFESSION #2: I view this as a tiny shred of fashion dignity in an otherwise pretty questionable adolescence of outfit choices. Self preservation, you guys.
Part Parisian, part Mime, and part New England, it doesn’t matter how simple an outfit I don, a striped top makes me feel quickly pulled together and chic. I’m currently crushing on this flutter-sleeve top from Zara (sold out, but similar can be found here), paired with a classic black tap short, a 1920’s style straw hat (found on a recent trip to Cape Cod and I am obsessed!) and straw accessories.
What’s your favorite go-to staple? Leave a note in the comments. I’d love to hear about it it!
Earn your stripes. Wear you are now.
Also love a good striped top. For me it usually comes in the shape of an oversized button-down. 9/10 times a blue one. 🙂 Cute post! (Also, we trieD your banana ice cream… keeping banana chuNks in the freezer is now as important as refilling the ice cube trays. Thanks!!
28 . 07 . 2017Natalie
Totally with you on the oversized button-downs. so comfy! and that banana ice cream! oh my. i’m not ashamed to say i’m the same making sure i always have frozen bananas. it’s just the best! 🙂
28 . 07 . 2017