Hello, old friends. It’s a new year; it’s a new decade; and there’s oh so much I want to tell you.
I kicked off 2019 declaring my word of the year- a word to use as a guiding factor in my personal growth, my daily life, and the decisions I would make in the months ahead. A word that would help mold my mindset and make my goals reachable. And that word was balance.
Did I achieve it? Perhaps a little. Did I do it well? Perhaps not.
2019 was a year of transition. Not necessarily in the traditional sense- on paper, no major milestones came to pass. No houses, no world travel, no babies (yet!), no tragedy (thankfully), no illness. We’re healthy, we’re happy, and things are steady. Yet, a lot has changed.
2019 brought a new step in my career, with a promotion to an executive position at the agency I’ve called home for the last seven years. I don’t share a lot of particulars about my 9-5 here (church and state!), but this promotion is one that I’ve worked for (see also: busted my ass for) for quite some time, and I couldn’t have been more proud. And it was only fitting that this honor brought on more frequent flier miles than I ever thought I’d earn. The net-net? I took 60 flights in 12 months. (HAHAHA to 2018 Natalie. Little did she know what was in store when she talked about frequent travel!) It was a big challenge. And it was good.
2019 brought the tough realization of honesty, as the added stress from my new found career success manifested itself into “things” I never thought I’d deal with, let alone speak openly about. 2019 was the year I learned all about anxiety, sleep struggles, and an autoimmune disorder that presents itself as a less than stellar immune system and a raging case of hand eczema. 2019 was also the year I discovered meditation pillows, lavender oil, Sleep Cycle and CBD. And though it was exhausting, the self-awareness and steps to right the ship proved to be good.
2019 may have not brought any exotic vacations, but it did bring family weddings, trips with loved ones, dinners and entertaining in our home, and a guest room filled with more out of town visitors than ever before. And it was good.
2019 presented a new found burst of creative energy. I took that energy and poured it into my photography and content creation, and proudly shared it on social media. (More on that, HERE). I danced on top of parking garages, I sat in bath tubs and industrial washing machines, and pushed the envelope as much as possible. I worked with two of the best photographers I know- and dear friends to boot- as we laughed our way through some pretty ridiculous failures and ideas that both did and did NOT pan out. (Scroll down for a few of my favorites!) I may have written to you all a lot less than I would have liked, but you know what? It was a hell of a lot of fun. And fun is good.
2019’s out-of-the-box thinking led to partnerships with the likes of Andre’ Champagne, La Colombe Coffee, Warby Parker, 305 Fitness, and Barr Hill Gin, to name a few. I spent a weekend away in Portland, Maine with Lark Hotels. I spoke on a panel about “Building A Brand on Social Media.” I attended Boston Fashion Week, discoed my way through the Unmask Cancer Gala, and promoted pies for charity. And it was good.
Call it understanding. Call it perception. Call it whatever you like. But I call it living. And hopefully some learning, too.
To 2020- I eagerly await the path ahead, with my word of the year in tow. And that word is forward.
For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice… wear you are now.
Word up. Wear you are now.