It is with excitement, nerves, and pure joy that I welcome you to Wear You Are Now: a lifestyle website for kindred spirits who believe that fashion plays an integral role in making memories. From fashion, to food, to travel, to entertaining, we’re here for some real talk about life for the modern gal-on-the-go; all looked at through the lens of what we wear. To my old friends- hey! And to my new friends- I’m Natalie: creator, editor and denim devotee- and I’m so glad you’re here.
Launching this website has been a dream of mine for years; a dream I always felt a little too fearful to pursue. I’m sure we can all relate to the nervousness that pairs with stepping into the unknown, (AKA- Domain names? HTML? WordPress? What am I doing?) and the self-doubt that accompanies taking such a leap (AKA- What if no one actually reads this?). Yet, I’ve arrived at the conclusion that fear of failure was no longer a good enough reason NOT to walk forward. And so here we are.
Without knowing it at the time, the idea for Wear You Are Now started years ago when my mother gifted me the treasure that is “Love, Loss and What I Wore” by Ilene Beckerman; a book that: A) I fervently connected with and B) I highly recommend. To her readers, Ilene shares the story of her life- a half century romp through American fashion- via the clothes she wore; articulating one very truthful finding: our memories are often tied to what we are wearing.
I was fascinated. And I wondered. Are women more visually driven? Do we latch on to the feelings of confidence we associate with an outfit worn in a positive memory? Do we recall clothing worn during a time of trial as a way to process our grief? Is it all of the above? I didn’t know. I still don’t. But I knew I wanted to explore this connection.
From a young age, my strongest memories have always been tied to fashion. As the only girl in a family of brothers, my mother taught me to dress for success, no matter the occasion (a life lesson that I’m happy to report stuck with me). I remember what I was wearing the day my little brother was born (a teeny-tiny “Big Sis” t-shirt with an elephant on it, obviously). I remember what I was wearing the first time I swam in the ocean (an American Flag one-piece and a matching scrunchy, thank you very much). I remember what I was wearing the day I met my husband (a pink sundress that is very hilariously not my style, but I guess it did its job!). And whether good or bad, no matter where (or wear) the road led me, fashion played an integral role in the making of my memories.
You still with me? Good. So what’s a girl to do? Write about it, of course.
Wear You Are Now is a witty and open-armed approach to genuine living; all through the lens of what you’re wearing. In a world where selfies and perceived perfection reign supreme, Wear You Are Now isn’t about having the newest or the best. It’s about embracing where you are in your life and how you live it- how you eat, how you travel, how you work and how you dress.
Think of us as a loft where you’d meet up with your girlfriends for happy hour (or hours…because sometimes one just isn’t enough) to chat about what’s happening in your life- the real stuff. We’re the girl you invite to Sunday brunch; the one you ask for outfit tips; the one you call when the meal you cooked your in-laws is burnt and you need a Plan B; the one you turn to for career advice; the one you geek-out over a new book with; the one you’re not afraid to admit a mistake to. Imperfection? Yes, please! We’ll take it. And we’ll celebrate it. It’s what makes life most interesting.
To my fellow kindred spirits: the lady bosses, the wanderers, the shower singers, the foodies, the street-stylers, the decor gurus- consider this your open invitation. Pour yourself a glass and get comfortable. Let’s chat about where you are in your life, and let’s dress the hell out of it along the way.
Fearlessly making memories. It’s who we are. And wear you are now.
I hope you’ll join me as I turn the page toward this new journey. Feel free to sign up for my newsletter and follow along. Grab a cup of coffee, gather your friends and pop over from time to time to read what’s new.
The door is always open.
Be you. Wear you are now.
Nikki Torday
This is great. I can’t wait to read more.
11 . 07 . 2017natalie
Thanks Nikki! I’m so glad you’ll be following along!
11 . 07 . 2017Cousin dana
You are amazing!!!! And this font makes everything yelling! 😂😂😂
11 . 07 . 2017natalie
Haha! Thank you, thank you! You’re amazing, too! xx
11 . 07 . 2017Ashley parik
Love this, Nat! So proud of you! Cant wait to read more! Xoxo
12 . 07 . 2017natalie
Ashley! Thank you so much for the kind words. So glad you’ll be following along! Hope all is well with you + yours! xx
12 . 07 . 2017Roxanne Of andria
Get it girl!! Cant wait to keep up!
12 . 07 . 2017natalie
Woop! Thanks lady!
13 . 07 . 2017Kate
Sounds like a fun journey, Natalie. I’m excited to read more!
13 . 07 . 2017natalie
Thanks Kate! 🙂
13 . 07 . 2017